Apply for the Spread Your Wings II project

What is your age?
Are you currently working in Poland?
To what extent do you speak Polish?
I hardly/not at all communicate in Polish, but I understand
I communicate in everyday life, but need business/industry-specific vocabulary
I use in my everyday life and at work
To what extent do you speak English?
I hardly/not at all communicate in Polish, but I understand
I communicate in everyday life, but need business/industry-specific vocabulary
I use in my everyday life and at work
Choose the form of support you wish to use (You can choose several or all forms)
Please specify what you expect from your Mentor meetings, what you would like to achieve, tick the skills you would like to practise. Below are examples of areas, but you can indicate your other specific need:
- Talking about the job market in Poland- Helping to prepare/talk about a CV- Helping to prepare for a recruitment interview- Helping to find a job offer tailored to my competencies- Talking about the laws in Poland- Supporting to open my own business (?)- Helping to identify a career path (what job should I look for?)- Helping to understand the culture of Poland- Helping to understand the entitlements for parents/children in Poland- Other.
- IT- Data Analysis/ Data Analysis- Project Management/ Project Management- Operations/Operations- Finance/Finance- HR- Customer Service/ Customer Service
I declare that I acknowledge that participation in the project is not a guarantee of employment.
How did you hear about the Spread Your Wings project

I consent to the processing of the personal data provided by me by the STELLA VIRIUM Foundation for the Development of Qualifications with its registered office in Kraków, 11/8 Syrokomli Street (30-102 Kraków)[‘Stella Virium Foundation’] which is a personal data administrator within the meaning of the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act of 10 May 2018 (Journal of Laws 2019.0.1781) on personal data protection. The purpose of the processing is to fulfil the statutory objectives of the Stella Virium Foundation, including in particular those related to the implementation and promotion of the Spread Your Wings project.
Each person has the right to access and correct the content of the data collected about him/her, the right to make a written, reasoned request to stop the processing of his/her personal data due to his/her particular situation, as well as the right to object to the processing of his/her data in special cases according to the Personal Data Protection Act. I acknowledge that my personal data is processed by the Stella Virium Foundation for the statutory purposes of the Stella Virium Foundation, in particular related to the implementation and promotion of the Spread Your Wings Project, and may be disclosed only to entities cooperating with the Stella Virium Foundation in the implementation of the Project, and that I am entitled to access and correct my data, and that I provide my personal data voluntarily.